The author is a recovered alcoholic who believes in the self-help movement.
He belongs to five 12-Step Programs. Permanently injured since 1976, he went to the Riverhead Jail on Long Island in 1983 to gain the right to subpoena the US Government over illegal termination and denial of Social Security disability funds lawfully owed to American citzens damaged by industry.
The author received a taxpayers' education in open enrollment starting in 1968. He believed that the American Black People's movement in the United States always should have been a land movement. Civil Rights without Land Rights is a delusion and pacification, by force, in the absence of law.
He chose to live homeless for six months in a condition of participant observation. In transition from legal advocacy to author advocacy, later, when rehoused, he had a homeless man live in his home for a period of one and a half years.
The author's study of homelessness started in 1980, knowing many have perished needlessly since then. The United States government's greatest strength is within its ability to repair itself. Try to remember...if the United States government could afford to rebuild Japan following World War II, it can afford to give the American homeless people the land they need to survive.
Though the author has never been a policeman, he was educated by the most outstanding police teachers of the 1960's at Suffolk County Community College in Selden, NY. These police science teachers can never be reassembled as a group. This book is not a statement of their beliefs; rather, it is a statement of the author's beliefs. May the democratic spirit of these lawmen/educators reach into and protect the lives of the American homeless people who are in serious trouble.
The battle of Tompkins Square Park has not been in vain, for God made the land and He promised His land to His people. This is the Will of the Great Creator. That someone owns all the land, is the greatest deception ever criminally inflicted upon mankind by the Makers of that Law.
The Line