Love is useful. Cops catch the spirit in thieves with mercy. Earth was a place to be shared. When a hungry lion walks past a deer and stars light up the right of way.
The law forbids the common lands as a place of abode for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property. There is not one square foot of land in the United States where a homeless person can stand, for a moment in time, legally. It does not exist. Homelessness is unlawful. A Homeless person's existence is unlawful. Their homelessness status is a condition of perpetual criminality. They are continually on someone else's land; inevitably asked to move on to some illusory lawful destination, presumed to exist, but never found. The roots of this paradoxical situation can be found in Western history.
The first Western Pre-Industrialists understood that people would not work for others unless they were forced to, that they would not do unpleasant work unless they were forced, but that the world could be controlled through industrial money, as soon as money controlled lawmakers and the police. At that point people could be forced into tenancy, which is by no means a creation of nature, but a creation of industrialists.
The oldest message of recorded world history is that Man always seeks someone else to do his work. Knowing that they would need vast labor in its cheapest form, Industrial Capital bought out farmlands, combined farms or sub-divided land and permitted governments and churches to hold regions and keep them empty of people. This forces agricultural people into wage labor, when previously, they had worked for themselves.
Forced into the cities, the worker was no longer free to retreat to the common lands. He would be arrested as a trespasser. Today the worker, along with the poor, are both trespassers. If they don't pay up on mortgaged property, (which is Class A tenancy) they forfeit all rights to the land. There has been no way home ever since.
The original British industrialists set the policy of the Western world when they bought out the common lands to Ireland and forced people that had land rights into tenancy. They then sub-divided the land into small agricultural plots, creating the need for one high yield crop. A blight killed the potato and half the nation of Ireland starved to death.
Industrialists let that happen. They offered no food assistance. They let the Irish die and showed their power. Here we see that when a man has land rights, he feeds himself. When his right to land has been stolen, he needs social welfare.
The father of poverty is Law. These original British industrialists used law to separate the Irish people from their land and their ability to sustain themselves independent of a market economy.
And so, in our modern society, the homeless are kept moving physically; for standing still is trespassing, disorderly conduct, or vagrancy. These undesirables insane, addicted, unemployed, or some other description of a Diminished Human Capacity are coached to move on to a new location, only to be coached to move to a new location, only to be coached to move to a new location.
Society has mastered avoidance of responsibility. It all keeps happening but no one is causing it. De Facto segregation of the homeless from their Constitutional right to exist lawfully on their own land is achieved by active omission of the United States Legislative branch of government. Federal law should be enacted mandating states to provide the Land needed for Bi-County Homeless Land Reservations (H.L.R). It must be unlawful for a person's existence to be unlawful.
The American Homeless have previously been banished from the right to exist in harmony with the United States law. This paradox is inconsistent with human rights enjoyed by other American people. The core issue here is that of being alive yet being unable to conform to existing law. Laws do not come into existence because of human virtues. Laws always come into existence because of human vice. No law describes excellent human behavior. Therefore, the American Homeless person's right to exist on their own land is derived from their pre-existing criminality, not their goodness.
This treatment of continuous eviction is not uniformly forced upon the entire American population, but selectively forced upon its weakest, false members; the least equipped of the population to survive (in spite of citizenship in the wealthiest nation ever known).
The combined population of American Homeless people can be thought of as a homeless state. As of right now, they are a small, nomadic tribe living within the territorial borders of the United States. The homeless population has the potential to triple quickly within the 21st Century. It is very likely that this will occur.
When a man is homeless, he has lost his right to land. The American Homeless shelter system does not serve the homeless so much as it serves the beaurocrats and slum lords who administrate and profit by it. The need for this costly system can be reduced, but not eliminated, when the American homeless are emancipated and land rights are restored to them by Federal Law.
This strange relationship that exists between man and the land in Western Society, where social managers control the common lands forbidding them as natural places of abode and survival, forces tenants to seek "wage labor jobs that they don't want and never did" (Piven). Most homeless people will never be re-machined into profits.
This outdated equation has always been enforced by the classic principle of "less eligibility", passed down from English Law, which set the template for the economic policies of the Western world.
The principle of less eligibility states that, "The fundamental principle with respect to the legal relief of the poor is that the condition of the pauper ought to be, on the whole, less eligible than that of the independent laborer." (British Poor Law Reform Act of 1834, Blau). Welfare must pay less than work.
This socio-political tradition is supported by the old thinking found in the British Enclosure Acts, saying that during "the Industrial Revolution in Britain, where the British Enclosure Acts denied rural laborers access to the common lands, thereby depriving them of their livelihood and forcing them to migrate to an uncertain and sometimes homeless future in the cities." (Blau).
Together, these used up ideas cause the total expenditure of the United States Shelter System, for the sole purpose of protecting the principle of less eligibility, thereby justifying the omission of Homeless Land Rights.
It is still undetermined as to how many American working families are but a few paychecks away from eviction or foreclosure proceedings. That combined stress, without alternatives, equals more violence in America, and more costs to combat the violence.
Mankind has outlived its need for the principle of less eligibility for it only served to fortify the Industrial Revolution by the impression of the rural poor into wage labor. The principle of less eligibility costs far more than it is worth to a service economy, far beyond the times of the Industrial Revolution. It divides the classes and degrades the poor. Financially, it drains the middle class worker, who pays the tremendous costs of the shelter system.
It is now, as the century turns over, time to progress from the principle of less eligibility to a concept of guaranteed minimum eligibility for land. It is time to create Homeless Land Reservations in the United States.
Homeless people are nomads and value nomadic behaviour above learned behavior. The existence of nomadic behavior is present in all human beings; "hence, the joy experienced from a simple road trip to some adjoining state, gazing out the window at passing mountains and fields. The experience of actively finding a new panorama
(a series of pictures representing a continuous scene) to travel through is one that has dominated human beings from prehistoric times, to any of the the explorers that have charted our planet, right up to today as we build high powered telescopes and launch satellites into space to increase the dimensions of our scope of vision. The daily need for nomadic behavior is more overtly visible in the homeless, who exist in an ever-changing sea of faces and resting places." (Weeks)
Globally, about one billion people a day commute to and from the cities. Is that not nomadic behavior? That is, actually, hyper-nomadic behavior, since man in his natural condition would travel at about two miles per hour through a continually changing visual panorama. To stay in one place too long becomes too uncomfortable for any person. This feeling of going stir crazy is actually the nomadic instinct; the driving force behind all creation, causing people to go somwhere and to do something. This helps to explain why American people move into new homes as many times in their lives as they do. This explains why going to prison is punishment; because it is antinomadic. This explains why "students change classes, when it would be easier for them to stay in one room and change teachers." (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance).
We all need a new view every so many hours, days, or years, and when we get it we feel good. The homeless cannot be contained to stare at a wall in a shelter, for they are acquainted with nomadic liberty. Each time we turn our head, it is a new view. Existence is nomadic. Walking from one side of a room to the other is nomadic.
Every morning at a quarter to seven two hundred million pills slide down a throat. Rush past the children to keep them a stranger, gulp the last coffee, then hands on the door. Back out the driveway, then warm up the iron, feel the cold chill of death coming near. Their ties are their weapons, their suits are their armor. Sick lies in their heads to keep them alive. Hit the expressway, grind on the pavement. Dead bodies in cars mean nothing to them. Aim for the city, go for the money, sick fuel burning zombies in sick misery. File in traffic assigned to a place amongst no one. Who are these people?
Who could they be? Bumper to bumper hate on the highway, hearts pounding in their chests, screaming tires, honking horns, sea of gasoline. Each of them angry for their own reasons. Nobody knows each other. The hunt is for the paycheck, like arrows on target. Pain in their heads, knots in their sides, fresh meat wrapped in tin, blood in their eyes.
If one man is blind, another man loses half of his arm, a third loses his mind, and a fourth is addicted, don't all four have a diminished human capacity? Should they all be annihilated for the differences between the semantics and myths surrounding their different descriptions? Certainly not. Yet, traditionally, they have been thinned from the herd, for problems that most often can not be changed. A blind man can walk and a man with no legs can see, and so they do not understand each other's diminished capacity. How much less can they be understood by the surrounding society that boasts full human capacity?
People become homeless because of their diminished human capacities. They are in need of a "sense of place" to call their own, a sense of ccommunity from which they can come into and leave from. They are a nomadic people with diminished human capacities. Most will never again be re-machined into tenancy. "In the United States one-third of the homeless population is mentally ill, one-third are addicted, and one-third are homeless families." (Blau)"
From the origin of time to the end of the world, no economic system has set aside a portion of land for people who do not wish to compete.
Homeless Land Reservations would be about four soccer fields in size and about two miles from the given municipality, permitting travel and casual day labor. New York State has sixty counties: that would call for sixty county land reservations (not unlike the setting at Wildwood State Park, NY) not unlike Indian reservations, only smaller.
In the Homeless Land Reservation system, as with the Indian reservation system, the collective population will own the land.
In the proposed Homeless Land Reservation system resources in kind will not be geographically spread out. The location of each Homeless Land Reservation will be known. Social scientists can know where some of the homless are and thereby provide resources in the most economical way. With hand outs being sent to central locations the homeless will gravitate to where the land is owned, where the resources are located, and life can be sustained thereby easing the burden on the cities. For some, the stay will be transitional. For others, the stay will be permanent. Some urban people will never leave the cities, preferring the status quo found therein.
Voting on all issues and decisions should take place at necessary times during a meeting open to all reservation members. All matters are to be determined by majority vote on a pebiscite basis. All actions on the reservation should require the active participation of its members which stimulates the instincts rather than nullifies them. Social scientists will deliver truckloads of coal to the local coal bin.
The homeless will shovel and distribute the coal or freeze if it does not get done. In addition to subsidies, entitlements, stipends, grants, vouchers, food stamps, donations, and casual day labor, they may grow chickens and gardens in order to gain self-sufficiency. The quality of their life will be in direct proportion to the effort they make on all matters concerning them. No one else will be there to do it for them.
All reservations should function as individual households, with the same rights and responsibilities as most households, respecting all laws of the country, state, and federal government.
By voting, the homeless will establish their own bylaws, rules, and regulations for conduct on the reservations. All reservation self-governments must comply with the laws of the county, state, and federal governments. Self-governments must also be constitutional as well. A sergeant-at arms would minimize the police needed to respond to complaints. The police may enter the reservation by warrant, hot pursuit, or may pass through with a patrol (the same as any home). Each member of the reservation is entitled to due process of law and equal protection under the law.
In fact, the Bill of Rights would now pertain to them with full rights of citizenship.
All homeless on the reservation would now have a legal mailing address, solving the bureaucratic problem they have known in the past, when they suffered the loss of entitlement and social wage because they had no address. Kind doctors may tour or visit the reservation.
The demographic population of these Homeless Land Reservations may act like a college campus, where most people do not stay forever, some do, and new people seem to steadily arrive in season.
Some homeless people may prefer to network the National Reservation System, thereby appeasing the nomadic instinct and changes in climate and opportunity.
Also, some will always need to avoid others.
Social scientists may provide general services suitable for the environmental goals of the region i.e. water and sewage systems, roll-off dumpsters, minimal electrical systems, and coal and kerosene. Other goals can be funded by applications to foundations for grants to build a wide range of structures. The homeless themselves would have to apply for these grants. Tents may become popular, as may sleeping bags under tin roofs and shanties; all may improve as time goes by, yielding, someday to buildings. "In the interim, decommissioned school and city buses could be brought in for shelter" (Anthony Smith, Long Beach). The people of the reservations will own anything erected upon the land, along with any chattel brought onto it. They will need to pay a modest land tax for ownership rights, even if they have to pass the hat.
The federal government will have jurisdiction over the collective total acres of Homeless Reservation System land in the United States. Each state will have jurisdiction over the collective total acres of Homeless Reservation land within that state. Each county will have jurisdiction over the reservation in their county. In this manner, the homeless may always seek the federal remedy of checks and balances.
There will be pathological problems. Yes, even diarrhea. There will be many objections teeming; much opinion with very little knowledge about the subject.
These Homeless Land Reservations will be a common focal point for all humanitarian efforts, for health is achieved through the measurement of all human abnormality.
If I give a man breakfast, I nullify his instincts. If I give a man lunch, I nullify his instincts. If I give a man dinner, I nullify his instincts.
The warehouse-managing style asylums of the passing 20th Century have nullified many a human being's instincts. In this helpless condition, thousands have been tossed out on the streets, only to be joined by homeless people of other labels. Homeless Land Reservations can reawaken those instincts. Homeless people have a need to participate in the fulfillment of their instincts.
In 1953, there were two and a half billion (2,500,000,000) people on Earth. In 1993, there were five billion (5,000,000,000) people on Earth. The population doubled in less than half a century. In the 21st Century, the population has time to double, double again, and double again. A conceivable twenty billion (20,000,000,000) people may need ten billion (10,000,000.000) housing units. From 1946 until 1973 eighty percent of the American housing starts were built in the suburbs, during the greatest era of prosperity in the history of the United States, never to be matched again.
Ten billion (10,000,000,000) housing units will never be built to solve the problem. Fewer people are not coming into the world. There will always be more people coming into the world. Most of these new people will never live inside a modern house as we know it. The ten millions (10,000,000) homeless children in Brazil are already a graphic demonstration of the masses that will need to survive on outdoor land.
In the United States, we are not hard pressed for public land. Federal public lands alone equal over six hundred and fifty million (650,000,000) acres, not to mention what is owned by counties and states. Much of this land is sitting there, unused. These fallow lands are waiting for a law to put them to use.
Americans do not have a problem with land. Americans have a problem with over-concentrated cities. Americans do not have a problem with available open land.
They have a problem with controlling open land and forbidding the homeless from sustaining life on designated public land. The cities pay the price. The middle class worker foots the bill. The homeless die in the cold.
Owning mortgaged property is Class A tenancy. Renting is Class B tenancy. Tenancy causes speculative deficit expenditure. Commercial rents help determine the final price of merchandise, goods, services, and labor. Businesses that own their land and buildings graciously accept the market price predetermined by business competitors paying tenancy. Prices of things are established by the cost of tenancy plus the value applied to goods and services, plus tax. Subtracting tenancy from the formula delates the economy and reduces deficit expenditure. Less tenancy in the United States and more ownership of everything, to the extent that is possible, will strengthen the United States in the competitive world economic system. We will remain as strong as our weakest members. Some people need a mortgage to be happy. Some people need to pay rent to be happy. Some people need Homeless Land Reservations to be happy. No doubt, H.L.R.'s will be useful in the greater interest of society.
Tenancy speculation does not produce anything, yet it is involved with almost everything. As long as man stays outlawed from the common lands, speculation, similar to the kind that caused the stock market crash of 1929, will cause the homeless displacement of large numbers of Americans.
Laws that once fed labor to fuel the Industrial Revolution now cause a reactionary backlash to a service economy in modern day America. The revolutionary aspect of creating an industrial nation is long since over. Today we are well established in both industry and abundant labor. To abolish the reactionary laws, which are no longer necessary, will bring greater equality to those alive today, especially the homeless. This action will require an attitude of clemency, for the homeless will never measure up to our rigorous expectations. When we crack the whip, they no longer jump, preferring to pile up on city street corners, passive agressively begging for alms and nomadically moving along their ways.
Historically, the industrial ruling class has held a long-standing romance to the value that the poor should own nothing. They have always been willing to finance large amounts of money in social wage bribes to keep it that way (welfare, unemployment, etc., the worker pays the bribe). This is how they have remained in control.
Without bribes, the underclass becomes unmanageable. In this manner, the ruling class owns everything so long as the poor own nothing (especially land). The ruling class controls the government by financing them to keep them in power, forcing them to order the middle class to pay off the poor or join them in poverty.
This sequence of events once provided labor to the Industrial Revolution. Today, it only causes deficit expenditure. Tired reactionary laws are presently too expensive to keep. They cause the Shelter and Welfare Hotel Systems to be needed. Giving land rights to the homeless can ease the problems and total cost.
Classical laws can be terminated to end the archaic notion that the poor should own nothing. As the lower class grows and the middle class shrinks, the very idea is no longer profitable for the vast majority of the populous.
This system works in the western world so long as it has a scapegoat to blame for the misery it generates, i.e. blacks, welfare whites, the poor, the homeless, etc. If you don't stand there and let them burn down an occasional neighborhood, how can you cast the blame on them for all that is wrong? And so, the poor must own nothing, most importantly, land. Each new day we greet them with the combat of words and very little else.
Homelessness is the product of industry, birthplace, disease, and addiction. Industry mass-produces damaged people and society punishes them for being damaged. There is no single solution with which to solve for all people's right to land. A new strategy must be attempted, entering into this new century, followed by trial and error and trial with success. Some people do not grieve over the loss of their technological possessions and the corresponding stress it takes to keep them; they grieve their loss of water, food, and a legal place to spend each night. No matter where they go, no matter who they are, regardless of their age, sex, race, nationality, disability, or reason for not competing in the marketplace, they are homeless. Industrialists keep men, women, and children homeless to scare the worker into working. If they did not do this, bankers would have to do it themselves; perhaps even engage in labor. The blues were born in the fields of labor.
Social science is the skilled examination of Society. Law is the mandating force behind change. The father of poverty is Law. In the passing 20th Century, the combined plan of action was denial. New answers are the results of new thoughts and new actions. Below, on each page, political science debate notes may shed ideas that march into the next century and support the force of truth. By then, the world will be overpopulated. New plans are needed to break the chains that tow old thoughts and smash man's dreams of honest compromise against the rocks of time. The core issue of Human Rights are Land Rights. Men are not so much homeless as they are buildingless. A home is not a building; it is a "sense of place".
This workbook hopes to be cohesive to the center of all free opinions of concerned Americans, from honorable Congressmen to the homeless themselves; as well as advocate groups, special interest groups, and the general population of the American people privileged enough to enjoy democracy. The government does not own the lands. The government's citizens own the lands.
Neither the United States Government nor the churches in America invite the homeless to live on the vast open lands they keep empty of people, calling them parks, reserves, or church investments. "Stay off...keep out...swim into the up into the sky." (Darrow 1903) die on the sidewalks, killed by the Freudian gods of the insane asylums.
When nomads collide, they show avoidance, or fight. But, they must travel until their deaths, when others take their places to do the same thing.
The homeless recently won Rights of Habitation from an admirable judiciary. Habitation Rights, however, are double talk. They are not Land Rights. Habitation Rights sustain nomadic people between their points of destination. Land Rights grant nomadic people lawful status in existence, based on reality, not myth or illusion.
"But the truth-knocks on the door. And so, you say "Go away. I am looking for the truth." And so, it goes away." (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)
You can live in fear of foreclosure and eviction, keeping up payments on mortgaged property or rent, or die, homeless, in the streets. There are no alternatives in between. Yes, industry mass-produces damaged people. Even housed people get damaged. They drive their cars, going nuts trying to keep up and have a home.
Man is the greatest killer on the planet; wiping out multitudes of human and animal populations everyday. Sometimes we stand there and watch others go blind and starve to death. We do not survive as a species of killers because we kill so well. We survive as a species of killers because we kill so well but most times we don't do it. At these strange moments of instinctual moratorium, the tribes rest, mate, and produce offspring, who then grow up to kill.
A man knows why the fish go down when the water gets rough. It is enough. He does not need to be told again. Man does not need to see the fish to know they are present, or that they move together when danger sends a signal. The storm is always near. Man knows each natural rhythm overlaps another; the mercy of each tribe. When hell breaks loose, it always kills the weakest thing first. Freedom begins the day and the weakest of the poor are allowed to remain alive, in spite of all the combat.
Human behavior is instinctually nomadic. Life is nomadic travel. We go away and come back until we are dead. We come back to a home that is simply a place for shelter, rest, and safety, arranged close to our support system, for the accruement of resources. We rest, travel again, rest, then travel again, etc. Some people call this commuting (which, in a way has replaced hunting). The antithesis is a cabin fever,going stir crazy.
If you steal from the supermarket, you have done something wrong. If the supermarket steals from you, (as they do everyday) they don't even have to apologize. Man's psychotechnological problems cause nomadic gridlock, which is antinomadic. The nomadic person seeks the path of easiest travel, and so, the parking lot is jammed by the storefront as empty space fills the rest of the commercial parking lot. We do not have a problem with space. We have a problem with how we use space. "If you give Man back his land, you give him back his natural power."
Come and get your justice for it sells at a price. Insurance companies are becoming the government, though they are not elected. The beauty of youthful intelligence will be searched and seized until it does not appear in the genes anymore. Industrialists shake their fists, wag their heads, and pray to the ancient monkeys, then build tall mansions that reach up and touch the sky. The poor freeze in the cold, and die in the streets, trampled underfoot. When it rains, the sky is blue. Buildings fall down like the walls of Jericho and the apple falls far from the tree. The White House is presently under siege from those it has oppressed and tormented, especially when homeless men are shot in the streets or lit on fire by children. To admit cruelty is to begin to get well.
An underpaid worker that cannot afford housing is an industrial slave. America's private houses should not be a business for profit. They should be homes and nothing more. The speculative profit in private housing is artificial and without merit.
Artificial equity is inflation. This pretend wealth makes people lazy and spiritually underachieved. They commute their lives away "steal six days a week and go to church on Sundays." (Darrow 1903).With such little time remaining they will kill you on the way to get their french fries.
The homeless don't seem to fit into their plans. First, the truth hurts, then, it will set you free. Speculative artificial equity in private American homes causes the direct reciprocal cost of Section 8 housing, the existing shelter systems, and more need for corresponding Social Welfare. In the middle of a cold, dark night the homeless hug the Earth, freezing, freezing, freezing,selection of the species. Don't read a book.
Don't shed a tear. Don't hold someone. Don't dream. The law forbids the common lands as a place of abode, for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property. Inspired by Darrow and edited by King, I have a dream.
Marching forward in motion, his heart without sail. Onward marching fools opinion fixed, like well-driven nails. Nobody gets smart in the grave where they are going. Fools never collect what others are showing. Watching the wind, they miss the simple part never heard, when one rises up at the sound of bird. Sing song of fools, the truth will never be revealed. Even the King himself is served from the field.
Praise not the horse that runs itself unto death. Praise man, who, that is in a marathon dies from a double portion of the human spirit.
"If you are surviving on the street, you have a will to live." If you have a will to live, you deserve to live. If you deserve to live, you deserve a place to live. If you deserve a place to live, you deserve the law to create a place to live.
Established people look at homeless people and cannot see their usefulness because of their own narcissism. Established people look at homeless people and cannot see the craftsmanship it takes to survive one more day, because of their own egocentricity. Established people look at homeless people and often delight in feelings of superiority, in an otherwise existential world. Homeless people do not exist to fulfill the will and purpose of established people. Homeless people exist to fulfill the will and purpose of their Creator.
If people have knowledge, they demonstrate knowledge. If people have nothing but ignorance, they demonstrate ignorance. The fallacies and misconceptions of our predecessors determine the quality and living conditions of Man's every present moment. If you give a man the freedom to survive, he will. Poverty is caused by the unequal distribution of land in a world that is panting for social justice.
The government must see to the well being of its citizens or permit them to see to the well being of themselves. Congress is mandated to provide for the public welfare by law.
It is past the time to end the prohibition against man using his own common lands. The homeless deserve to access survival on the common lands by virtue of Eminent Domain, for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property. Reduction of poverty is the result of fair law. Unfair laws result in poverty.
The causes of poverty are beyond the control of any one individual and require a combined continuum of treatment, with everyone's help. To be born and never help a living thing is not living. The causes of poverty can always be eased by the truth in a democratic system seeking honest compromise, when the value of justice is above the value of charity. Why keep the poor weak, then punish them for being weak, and glorify ourselves by handing them charity that they would not need if they were treated justly from the beginning? Obviously, to preserve a scapegoat in the Western Political Economic System. This tradition causes widespread suffering in our nation, where laborers have always been abundant and underpaid. Only federal law will ease the burden to the American people and their cities.
World history records that about five hundred (500) leaders controlled the destiny of every man, woman, and child ever born. Many statistics imply that about ten percent of the population alive at any given moment in time own or control the surface of the Earth. This amazing control by the landed has forced the majority of the population into tenancy, wage labor, and homelessness. Unequal distribution of land causes poverty and homelessness. Some say it is also the cause of crime. (Darrow 1903). How is it that a squirrel, an animal, can be born in the woods today and enjoy immediate land rights, yet, a human being can be born today, live, die, and even work on this planet and never have enjoyed land rights for a single day? But, so it is...on purpose.
Die on the sidewalks and roads, or accept a government handout, with the corresponding government policy of churning, which, defined, means cruelty.
The law forbids the common lands as a place of abode for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property.
A nine-year-old boy is political because he see his mother starving. A nine-year-old boy is political because he knows why she is starving. But trouble begins for the boy when his mother says to him, "I am not starving." That makes the boy furiously political. Here we see that social problems continue because of social indifference to social issues concerning social injustice, resulting in social rage, caused by the never ending shifting of the blame or blatant denial of the problem. The law forbids the common lands as a place of abode, for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property.
Lawmakers, stop what you are not doing. The homeless do not need more stolen moments spent meandering inside institutional shelters, hotels, and commercial buildings, with rights inherent to flextime, downtime, churning, disappearing budgets, and the whims of bureaucratic egos saying, Come back next year on a Tuesday or a Thursday between the hours of 8:45 and 9:15 for an intake, a churn, and a shun, expressed in newspeak. They need the same God given right of passage on land for the duration of their lives as all men do. To say that we are legitimate and they are not is a manmade assessment, a false appraisal, and the worst sin, interfering with civil rights and human relations. Lawmakers, stop what you are not doing.
The law forbids the common lands as a place of abode, for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property.
Why stand there numb? No, pull up the sleeves for make do Jacksonian democracy. Emancipate the homeless, yielding back at least some land rights to man. Start here with the shocking self-improvement of the species, by the species, for the species. Then, if a person or a family loses building rights, (the right to enter and remain lawfully) that loss of the right to live in a building should cause simultaneous and immediate land rights. Life should never be harder or more frightening than that.
Man, with his own will, always finds a way for life to be harder than it needs to be.
He seems to enjoy the grief of others and looks down from a higher place to calm his own fear, saying, "I never got as bad as that," and, "Their loss is our gain."
On the July 23rd,1993 massacre at the Candaleria Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, seven homeless children were murdered when death squads fired upon fifty homeless children. Homelessness has no border. The federalist Republic of Brazil sent a message to the world saying, "Kill your homeless." From 1989 to 1993, alone, five thousand (5000) Brazilian homeless children have been murdered by death squads for being homeless and having no land rights. Eight to ten million (8-10,000,000) children are homeless in Brazil; most of them are addicted to glue shipped from the United States. These children are, most likely, the largest homeless, drug addicted tribe in the world.
On the streets of Brazil, rejected, children dying, starving, homeless, neglected. Bloodthirsty storeowner, humanity infected. Never to love, laugh, play or shout, never to grow and find their ways out of turbulent poverty, crawling about. Tomorrow's days will never unfold, they will never cry again; they will never grow old. The store owner grins, his money is sold to police and death squads; they do it for gold.
On the streets of Brazil, rejected, children dying, starving, homeless, neglected. Bloodthirsty storeowner, humanity infected. Murder by murder, the killing repeats, splashing the children's brains on the streets. The death squad is winning, the homeless delete. The dead children's blood soaks in the concrete.
On the streets of Brazil, rejected, children dying, starving, homeless, neglected. Bloodthirsty storeowner, humanity infected.
These children are a homeless nomadic people. Their law forbids the common lands as a place of abode for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property. Western industrialists keep them weak. Their society punishes them for being weak. Their nation screams, "Kill your homeless!" The children are murdered on the sidewalks and roads; "stay off...keep out...swim into the up into the sky" (Darrow 1903). Eight to ten million (8-10,000,000) homeless Brazilian children are a demographic testimony to future homeless populations.
The late Bill Wilson said, "Most or all human abnormality can be traced back to defective human instincts." Homelessness is not so much social misfit as it is the human nomadic instinct fulfilled. Man, in his civilization, as a socially adapted creature, is far more abnormal and dangerous. The uniform crime reports tend to verify this observation, along with the worldwide death toll from war. The truth is people don't act right, homeless or not.
Sensory deprivation is the antithesis of nomadic instinct, causing action in man, and his need forever changing fields of vision. Comfort is nomadic travel. Homelessness is the social control and penal sanction for the worker, if he does not work. The worker doesn't work for others unless he is forced to. Social Welfare is the cost of forcing the worker to work, to pay for his tenancy. Industry is here to stay, so are the American homeless.
Society has no plan of action at the present time to deal with the forthcoming homeless populations. Tenements galore will not solve the problem. Reality is what people agree on. If the United States Congress agrees to mandate Homeless Land Reservations, they will become a reality. Landlords are demanding rents that people cannot pay. "The earth has been taken away from its people." (Darrow 1903).
"The laws are really organized for the protection of the men who rule the world." (Darrow 1903) If a wealthy man violates the laws, we move the laws around. If a poor man violates the same laws, we keep the laws in place. Homeless people in America have a constitutional right to life in the common lands of Eminent Domain, for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property, by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution: Due process of law and equal protection under law.
Most homeless will never be a prisoner of money again. For one reason or another, they have dropped out of the tenancy class. The tenant class system, forced upon the majority of the population by industrialists of the Western World, has made Mankind the tenant prisoner of his own planet.
Why ignore the therapeutic value of one homeless person helping another homeless person? Congress, this book is not a plea for money. This book is a plea for land.
Each new day we greet them with the combat of words and very little else.
With schmuck millionaire sluts and greedy individuals acting as real estate holding companies, jacking and re-jacking the prices of American houses, we condemn the forthcoming youth to an eternity of kissing a landlord's ass, with many stepping into the trapdoor of homelessness and a life of disenchantment. They will tender violent offspring, and the offspring will travel one way or another until the day of their demise.
The advent of civilization may have been a secondary adaptive instinct, fulfilled by those persons who had the capacity to adapt. Perhaps the stronger primary nomadic instinct remained intact and available, but suppressed in those who had the capacity to yield to the secondary adaptive instinct. Historically, the few never adapted at all. They remained housed, but unhoused in direct relationship to the land. Secondary real property, such as buildings, never concerned the primary, historic, myths, or logic, much less the instincts of early man (whose genes we are doomed to carry).
When unfortunate political and economic conditions enmesh with diminished human capacity and the secondary adaptive instinct yields to the primary nomadic instinct, homelessness will occur. The obvious remedy will emerge from law, not social science. The instinct to survive will always prevail and must be remedied by Statutory State Law, giving land rights to the homeless, for the homeless, and the issue of tenancy would become moot for it only serves the selfish minds of modern man. Mankind never stopped being nomadic and Mankind never will.
The average day in the life of any person is the rapid succession of nomadic events, which are visual, auditory, tactile, and aromatic. Human suffering is caused by human beings (with the exceptions of disease and natural disasters). The human race can choose to heal, but most likely never will. One must hope for improvement on a daily basis. Change is the product of spirituality when the value of justice is above that of charity. Justice sells at a price. Those who can afford a lot of justice get a lot of justice.
Human beings alone determine how human beings will be treated. Beware of the American Shelter System, the ice cream man, and comforts of deadly shade. Make this book into Law, for only the Law forbids the common lands as a place of abode for the accruement of resources and the protection of life and property.
"Life has to go where it goes." There is no ultimate manifest destiny for the Nomad. Enjoy the ride. The instinctive purpose of fear should be safety. Knowing this, we looked up and saw a great sky, and this existence must be the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
I thank you for taking the time to read my book.
Sincerely, Kenneth Churchill

From Mr.Lapalm, my seventh grade English teacher, who gave the value of writing to this child burglar.
From the Immortal teaching of the Art to Stay Alive by the Incredible Master Howard Tague.
All the way to Dan Weeks, my inspiration to write this book.
Over to the rooms of Vince Clemente...The mansions were in us and my life was built by the hands of the Educator.
Bryan Clay (SICKMAN) Web Design & editing
Edited by: Dan Weeks
Additional Editing by: Michael Vivar...Carnegi Melon, P.A., School of Writing
Diane Carr
Dee Dee Carr
Brian Margot
Anne Reissig
A Special Thanks To My Teachers Mr.Ray Martin: Founder, Police Science,SCCC Selden, NY Professor Dennis Denver: Civil Rights and Human Relations, Mentor Inspector Timothy Dowd: Criminal Procedural Law Professor Roderick J.Minogue: The Plea in a Democratic Society Mr.Burke: Criminal Law Professor Lesko: Political Science Mr. Proper: Sociology
Dan Murray American Homeless First Printing 2000